Might Of Coincidence - Spectrum of Life [Master Reel Tape]
The absolutely thrilled the quality of the music coming out of the speakers.
The tape album with its special, cross-genre music is a very good alternative to many tapes on the market. At the beginning of the 1970s, the five musicians produced a magnificent recording that has lost none of its topicality more than 50 years later and at the same time provides material for a journey through time.
The musicians Beno Gerber, Freddy Kessler, Manfred Eyssell, Mimina Panata and Ricco Anselmi succeeded in creating an inimitable sound with vocals, tambourine, flute, clarinet, congas, percussion, bass and guitars in a style somewhere between folk, psychedelic rock and hippie. The composition and the sequence of the tracks were very well chosen. Spherical instrumental and vocal passages meet very skillfully and are omnipresent: Benno Gerber creates an unmistakable foundation with the bass. The same applies to Manfred Eyssell's congas and percussion: his rhythmically flawless percussion is always present. The guitars of Ricco Anselmi and Beno Gerber are very well woven into the musical flow. Added to this are the fabulous vocal interludes by Mimina Panata and Ricco Anselmi. Surprising but appropriate interjections of linguistic elements sometimes bring a more serious or admonishing character into play. Freddy Kessler provides the cherry on the cake with his masterly clarinet and flute playing.
Jürg Schopper CEO of the SCHOPPER AG, and owner of label Triston Masters writes about this production: “When Might Of Coincidence released their first album Announcing the Birth of in 1971, general interest was limited. The band therefore broke up again in 1972. Several recorded albums and songs were never released. By “the power of chance”, I was able to obtain the master tapes (including rights) that were thought to be lost. Mauro Bozzi from Stigmate Records made them available to me. Listening to this incredible find, I realized the outstanding quality of these recordings and it was clear to me that I would release them. I started researching but found very little relevant information about Might Of Coincidence. The breakthrough only came when I contacted the “last survivor” Beno Gerber (bass player). He was able to fill in the information gaps.”
Playing time: 37 min
Specifications: half track ¼", stereo, RTM SM900, CCIR, 510 nWb/m, 38 cm/s
The master tape copy was available to buy at the HIGH END 2024 in Munich.
The 100% analogue production began in the 1970s with a recording by sound engineer Stefan Sulke. Jürg Schopper created analogue production masters from the original tapes, from which copies are made for customers.
With this high fidelity tape album production, everything has been thought of that can inspire the tape freak. The cardboard slipcase contains two plastic tape archive boxes and a folder containing two information sheets and six high-quality photo prints.
The sound is rich and well-balanced and is simply a great pleasure to listen to - https://www.tristonmasters.com