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30 Tape Albums To Listen To Bef...
July 26, 2024
Baltic Jazz Analogue Recordings
June 07, 2024
Raimonds Pauls - Jazz Suites Re...
May 01, 2024
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By OpenReelToReel Hub
AC Records,
Adam Czerwinski,
Adam Czerwinski - No Name Yet,
Amsterdam Jazz Trio - Come Fly With Me,
Analog Sound,
Analogue Tapes,
Arne Domnérus - Jazz At The Pawnshop,
Arne Domnerus Group - Jazz At The Pawnshop Vol 2,
Audiophile Music,
Belafonte At Carnegie Hall,
Ben Webster,
Buddy Tate,
Harry Belafonte at Carnegie Hall,
High-End Audiophile Recording,
High-Fidelity Tape,
J.S. Bach - Music Of The Heavens,
Jaco Pastorius - Truth,
Jazz At The Pawnshop - Late Night,
Jürg Schopper,
Kolibri Records,
La Spagna,
Might of Coincidence - Spectrum of Life,
Music Available On Reel Audio Tape,
Music On Reel Tape,
NAGRA 70th Year Anniversary Collection,
Old Betsy - The Sound Of Big Ben Webster,
OpenReelTopReel Hub,
OpenReelToReel Hub,
Philippe Chrétien,
Raimonds Pauls,
Recording The Masters,
Reel Tape Music Store,
Reel-To-Reel Tape,
RTM Analogue Tapes,
RTM Industries SAS,
STS Analog,
The Musical Magic of Yello,
The Sound Of Tape,
Tommy Schneider & Friends,
Tommy Schneider & Friends - Plan B3,
Tommy Schneider & Friends - The Hidden Port,
Triston Masters,,
30 Tape Albums To Listen To Before You Die

By OpenReelToReel Hub
Analog Sound,
Audiophile Music,
Baltic Jazz Recording,
Jersika Records,
Latvian Radio Big Band - Jazz Suites Reimagined!,
Mareks Ameriks,
Music On Reel Tape,
OpenReelTopReel Hub,
OpenReelToReel Hub,
Raimonds Pauls,
Recording The Masters,
reel tape music,
Reel Tape Music Store,
Reel-To-Reel Tape,
RTM Industries SAS,
The Sound Of Tape,,
Jersika Records: Baltic Jazz Recording On Analogue Reel Tapes.

By OpenReelToReel Hub
Jersika Records,
Latvian Radio Big Band - Jazz Suites Reimagined!,
Raimonds Pauls,
It was first released in 1960, and for the next 10 years remained as the main protagonist of many of the most famous album recordings of all time.